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  • Famey Lockwood

The Importance of ICD

A few facts about the Importance of ICD – International Classification of Diseases

August 21, 2016

  • ICD is published by the World Health Organization (WHO). First published in 1948, the WHO is currently working on the 11th edition – to be finalized in 2018.

  • ICD is one Reference Classification within the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC). The WHO-FIC consist of three classification systems; see outline below. *

  • Why is ICD important? The International Classification of Diseases is the tool used for classifying and reporting mortality and morbidity worldwide. It is the standard which all countries use to define, monitor and report diseases and reflects the health condition of the world population.

  • ICD is an indicator that reflects the health status of the global populace.

  • ICD is translated into 43 languages and is used by 117 countries making it critical that all countries remain current with the latest version to accurately report the global health status.

  • About 70% of the world’s health expenditures (USD $ 3.5 billion) are allocated using ICD for reimbursement and resource allocation. **

  • Advances in healthcare, technology, and science as well as, cultural and globalization changes, make it necessary to update ICD.

  • ICD is increasingly used across the healthcare continuum – from the initial clinical encounter to academia and research. It affords a means to consistently capture and report healthcare data.

  • ICD is used to identify concepts in SNOMED-CT making it a key player in healthcare interoperability.

  • ICD provides the data to capture and measure healthcare quality and outcomes.

  • ICD is a common language recognized worldwide making it compatible for use by clinicians, technicians, data statistician, policy-makers, and other decision stakeholders.

* WHO Family of International Classifications: definition scope and purpose, 2007. Schematic representation of the WHO-FIC.

** WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Information Sheet.


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