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Welcome to TE-AR Healthcare


The healthcare industry is undergoing a massive transformation. We have moved from a manual, paper-based, one-dimensional flat-environment to an electronic, inter-connected system with actionable live data. Yet, the healthcare environment lags in full interoperability of healthcare data limiting the sharing and re-use of an individual’s complete medical and health record across providers and settings. Collection and sharing of electronic digital health information is imperative, not only for optimum delivery of healthcare and a healthy lifestyle, but also for reimbursement


Integrated Data is the one most significant contributor to optimizing the delivery of healthcare as well as, providing a meaningful rewarding environment for the provider to practice medicine – especially, physicians, nurses and those involved in direct patient care. To achieve optimum use of the data, data must be actionable, accurate and available when needed. Standards, along with data governance and information governance, drive the outcome for the clinical record’s (EMR, EHR) accessibility.


SNOMED and similar mapping applications, provide the structure and terminology to link the patient’s clinical findings with the diagnosis and procedures performed, to other aspects of the individual’s health information. Medications and substances, laboratory specimens and their findings, and devices – internal and external, provide the platform to comprehensively manage an individual's health.


Along with the tools to provide optimum quality healthcare, reimbursement is equally important. In addition to reimbursing the provider for rendered services, paying the provider accurately and timely shows respect for the provider’s medical knowledge and contribution to medicine. TE-AR Healthcare Consulting |Famey Lockwood is committed to accuracy and timeliness in provider reimbursement, and leads collaboration with stakeholders to reduce cost and rework – especially, appeals.


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Email: famey.lockwood@te-ar.comFamey Lockwood


Services   | TE-AR Healthcare Consulting

About       | Famey Lockwood




Mission  |  TE-AR Healthcare Consulting is dedicated to the
sharing and re-use of data throughout the healthcare continuum to provide meaningful clinical information for clinicians, researchers, patients, populations and the healthcare system.
Vision  |  Accessibility and availability of health and
healthcare for every person with physicians and healthcare professionals reimbursed accurately and timely.

My Story  

My career started with hands-on nursing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham where I obtained my BSN, then on to the USAF – Wichita Falls, TX, Grady Hospital and Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. The clinical experience gave me the background to transition to the operational and technical aspects of healthcare where I worked in care management, information technology and eventually claims reimbursement.


Today I work as a Clinical Data Analyst applying my nursing knowledge and clinical experience
to .... 
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Lt Lockwood Mess Dress.png
AHIMA ICD-10 SNOMED Terminology








to celebrate


American Nurses Association 




Nurse Innovators


Nurses transforming

health through inspiring innovation







Diagnosis & Procedures



World Health Organization



ICD-11 v.04/2019

User Guide 



Coding in 2019


CMS publishes Diagnoses and Procedures codes for services starting 

October 1, 2018











Annual Conference


Health Data and Information Conference

 September 14–18 


Chicago, IL 












My Summer Reads


Future Smart

The Medical Futurist



Thinking … Emotion – Action … Results


start with Thinking … add Emotion – take Action … get Results..



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